1994 - 1995
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
It sat just outside the city limits of Gilbert, Texas (pop. 4600). It was called the "Chicken Ranch," but it sure as heck wasn't in competition with Frank Perdue. If you grew up most anywhere in Texas, you knew why Miss Mona Stangley's "Chicken Ranch" was one of the most thriving enterprises in Lanvil County.
It had tradition, respectability, and a strict set of rules, and it lived in peace with the town for a good many years. It did, that is, until a certain Thanksgiving week, not so very long ago.
The week started off quietly enough with Shy and Angel, two lost and lonely young ladies, making their way to the Ranch and convincing the soft hearted Miss Mona to let them stay on as hired hands.
Things took a surprise turn when Melvin P. Thorpe, a Houston television newscaster, took to the airwaves on his weekly Watchdog program and let the Chicken out of the bag. He publicly condemned the Ranch for raising something other than pullets, and demanded that Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd close the Chicken Ranch operation. And that got Sheriff Dodd madder than a hen on a hot griddle, he being a bosom friend of Miss Mona Stangley….
Director: Ginny Day
Musical Director: Marlene Hudson
Choreographer: Aileen Szkwarek
Art King
Mayor Rufus Poindexter
Debbie Guilbeault
Erik Bunkis
Melvin P. Thorpe
Gary King
Narrator, Edsel Mackey
Gary Smith
Senator Wingwoah
Guylaine Roy
Heather Monkman
Doatsey Mae
Lawrence Evenchick
Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd
Moe Romanow
Peter Messier
C.J. Scruggs
Stacey Kilrea
Suzanne Castanza
Mona Stangley
Alex Latoche
Anabela Vieira
Beth Doering
Brenda Schoenermarck
Cathy Current
Christine Moran