1998 - 1999
Anne of Green Gables
Our story is set in 1908, and takes place over a two-year span beginning when thirteen-year-old Anne Shirley arrives in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island. This extremely strong-willed and imaginative young orphan girl arrives in our quiet and stoic little town, on a desperate search of love and family. Despite much upheaval and growing pains in learning to control her tongue as well as her temper, Anne gradually brings new colour to this town through her energy and vitality, and becomes part of a loving family in return. This story still resonates today with our innate desire to find our place to belong.
Director: Laura Charles
Musical Director: Terry Duncan
Choreographer: Debbie Millett
Andrea Kryski
Mrs. Allan
Andrew Galligan
Tommy Sloane
Angela Laturnus
Mrs. Spencer
Caroline Gowdy Williams
Rachel Lynde
Charlotte Stewart
Marilla Cuthbert
Cindy Beaton
Anne Shirley
Cleo Clatney
Minnie McPherson
Corey Tomicic
Willie Boulter
Dean McNeill
Gilbert Blythe
Ellen Asherman
Mrs. McPherson
Ellie Glantz
Mrs. Sloane
Geneviève Bourgeois
Gertie Pye
Jane Gale
Mrs. Barry
Jennie Aunger
Jane Andrews
Jennifer Rombouts
Jerry Buote
Jim Morrison
Jim Robertson
Matthew Cuthbert
Jonathan Patterson
Charlie Sloane
Joshua Walker
Timothy Andrews
Joyce Landry
Miss Muriel Stacy
Kayla Walker
Sara Gillis
Magda Koszegi
Tillie Boulter
Michael Fortier
Earl, a mailman
Michael Schilder
Cecil, a farmer
Michael Torontow
Moody Spurgeon McPherson
Natalie Bercovitz
Ruby Gillis
Robin Guy
Diana Barry
Sam Smallwood
Sam Sloane
Sandy Dale
Mr. Phillips
Shawna McSheffrey
Steve Smallwood
Mr. Allan, the minister
Sue Plummer
Mrs. Pye
Tricia Lackey
Prissy Andrews
Yvonne Neatby
Mrs. Blewtett
Zoë Sweet
Josie Pye
Brawnwin McKelvey
Make-up Designer
Cheryl Jarvis Woods
Audition Accompanist
Christine DeWitt
Assistant Stage Manager
Christine Drew
Assistant Director
Deb Fortin
Set Designer, Scenic Artist