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Gotta dance?

Can't wait for the Homecoming to get back into the swing of things? Why not flex your feet Thursday evenings in this beginner tap class with Orpheus director and choreographer, Debbie Guilbeault?

Thursdays, October 14 - November 4 7:00pm - 8:00pm

In Person or on Zoom

Do you remember the classic stair dance with Shirley Temple and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson? How about the amazing "Moses Supposes" from Singin' in the Rain with Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor? Or maybe the dance battles between Gregory Hines and Savion Glover are more your style...

What they all have in common is tap dancing and now is your chance to give it a try!

Tap dancing is a special percussive style of dance that is great fun. As a beginner, it does not require acrobatic ability so all ages can participate. What it will develop is foot flexibility, some cardio fitness and a good ear. What's more is that if you're thinking of auditioning for this season's shows, both Anything Goes and Something Rotten feature some significant tap dancing from the chorus and leads. These beginner classes will give you the fundamentals and some tap confidence to audition should that be your goal.

We would like to stress that this is a true beginner class tailored to those who have had no experience or perhaps just a little. This is not for the already competent Shirley Temples out there!

In each of the four classes, we will do a tap warm-up, learn a few steps, and put it together in a short combination. It would be best to have tap shoes but if you don't own a pair or can't borrow a pair, Orpheus may have a pair for borrow in your size. There will be a 15 person group on-site and another 15 max tuning in virtually. Learning on-site is certainly better since hearing what you're doing with your taps is key but participating virtually is the next best thing to being there.

Cost: Regular: $40.00 Members: $30.00



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