Our Donors Make It Possible!
While watching an Orpheus production, you can see exactly where your donations are going. Your $200 covered fabric for four costumes. $950 bought the plywood for a set. $1000 allowed you to hear at least three performers by giving them microphones. Quite simply, without your generous donations, we would not be able to continue providing you with high quality, community musical theatre as we have for the past 117 years! But there's so much more that you don't see.
Your donation sustains our home for rehearsing and building the productions. It provides the tools and equipment, and ensures the safety of all. Your support helps to provide ongoing training and development for all at Orpheus to improve their skills and quality of productions on stage. It provides the community a shared space to experience the positive impact of the arts. Your contribution can make the difference in the life of a young, budding artist who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity for free or low cost arts education. Altogether, it is thanks to your generosity that Ottawa has a cultural home enriching the life of the community.
Wherever your donation lands, it is most certainly making a difference in the lives of many, including the audience as it maintains high quality theatre at reasonable prices.
Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more.
Orpheus Musical Theatre is a not-for-profit arts organization and registered charity in compliance with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Orpheus Musical Theatre Charitable Business Number: 11907 0415 RR0001
Ways To Donate
You may make a one time, or a convenient recurring donation.
Send us a cheque with your donation:
Orpheus Musical Theatre
17 Fairmont Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1Y 1X4
The Benefits of Donating

Thanks to our
2023 - 2024 Season Donors
Show Stopper
$1000 +
The Baxter Family
Mary E. Comerton
Joan Ellis
Jared Langdon &
Angela Schafer
Jean Liberty
Mr. & Mrs. David Paterson
Patricia & Charles Spratt
Triple Threat
$500 - $999
Maureen Acres
Al & Linda Albania
C.L. Allan, In Memory of
J.C. Kennedy
Marty & Ellie Black & Family
Lillian L. Kubow
Debbie Miller-Smith
Evelyn Monson
J.T. Morris
In Memory of Edward, Elisabeth & Edward Philip Oscapella
Scott & Valerie Reid
Ada Scott
Andrew & Louise Travill
Legendary Producer
$250 - $499
Don Bradt
Bob Bridges
Malvary Cole
Susan & Jake Cole
Tanya Chang & Mark Muench, Maybelle Chapleau
Judy Froome
Allison Hamilton
Rod Holmes: past Musical Director
Dr. Ernst B. Jacobsen
Brian Kelly
Andrea Kinsley & Matthew Guindon
Sally Mc
Kerry McConnery
John McGovern & Maureen Quinn McGovern
Dawn Miller
Neil, Heather, & Caelan Monkman
Barbara Nunn, In Memory of Eddie Nunn
Michelle O’Brien
Barry Sims
Cathy Wilson, In Memory of Peter Wilson
Cheryl Jarvis Woods & Bob Woods
Backstage Champion
$150 - $249
Brian Boggs
Carol Chamberlain
Chris Donaldson
Grant & Naomi Fowlie
Michael Gareau
R. Garnett Gow
Debbie Guilbeault
Pam & Peter Harle
Rob Henderson
Mary Pat Kelly
Faye & Larry Lavell
Susanna & Gabriel Pollock
Bruce Robinson
Cynthia Sanoy
In Loving Memory of
Carmello Scaffidi
Arlo & Maureen Speer
David Willey & Danielle Cordeau
Star Performer
$100 - $149
Andréa Black
Denise Clement
Hayley Cooper
Allan & Linda Cutler
Sandy & Angela Dale
Jennifer Grimsey,
In Memory of Bryan
Sally Houston
Janice Huus
Janet Laba
Jacques Mayer
Cathy McKechnie
Gary & Barbara McMillan
Gay McMillen
Moran Family
Michele Myrah
Brian & Judith Neal
Jackie Nemesvary
B.L. Newman
Carol & Laurie Pascoe
Doris Quinn
Rebecca Russell
Dave & Pat Sinclair
Sam Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stovel
Larry & Cathy Tarof
Chiyo Watanabe
$1 - $99
Paula Batson
Aaron Bergbusch
Ira Beylis-Harutz
Helen Brown
Jayne Delery
Joan Fitch
The Grimsey Family
Marie Guenette
Maisaloon Hammoud
Rachelle Laferriere
Pascal & Myriam Laliberte
Maureen Monaghan
Marcel Neron
Brian & Judy Neal
Claudie Patry
Sarah Plager
Janet Quirt
TL Rader
Cathy & Dan Sigler
Doug Thicke
Jill & Alastair Thompson
Joanne Walker
Niamh Webber
Rebecca Wemyss
A Naughty Mouse
If you wish to discuss how your donation can benefit Orpheus Musical Theatre and the community, please contact Managing Director, J.T. Morris, at jt@orpheusmusicaltheatre.ca